Big trouble in old Kyoto...
Athena Fox is on a mission. From traditional Kyoto to the glittering Ginza she is out to infiltrate a powerful cult and discover their dangerous secret. She's not afraid of wanna-be ninja, shadowy government agents, or mysterious forest spirits.
The one thing that scares her is anyone finding out she isn't Athena Fox!
Through dawn runs in the old geisha district, sword fights in the dusty streets of a studio town, and private lessons from an elegant Takarasienne Penny finds herself growing into her role. From the luxuries of a traditional ryokan to the neon-lit craziness of the fan haven Akiba, she begins to think that she might be able to be able to pull off the globe-trotting adventurer she once dreamed of being. And in the deep snows of a holy mountain, in deadly danger, she might just discover that Penny has some unique skills of her own...So grab your well-worn fedora and a fist-full of shuriken for a trip through the funhouse mirror, to where traditional Japan crashes into a pop-culture remix in the wildest adventure yet for Athena Fox.