I've always enjoyed reading the works of Scott Hahn. From the first time I cracked open he and his wife's book, "Rome Sweet Home," I've liked the simplistic complexity of his books. He can take some of the most difficult of subjects and put them into words that any layperson can understand. He also manages to throw in some "big" words but using great context clues, the reader can pick up on their meaning quite easily. ...
This is another excellent book by Scott hahn. I've gotten alot out of every book of his I've read. This book tells the story of Gods covenant relationship with his people. You see how over and over God is faithful, but we keep falling away. The book starts with Genesis and Gods covenant with Adam then, Noah, Abraham,Moses,David, and finally Jesus. The last 40 pages or so talks about how Jesus fulfills the covenant. It is my...
Many have described professor Hahn as a kind of Luther in reverse. Countless conversions have resulted from the Holy Spirit's work in Scott Hahn's life and through his work - his audiotapes (most especially his conversions story available free through the Mary Foundation), his lectures (he is a professor at the Franciscan University of Steubenville), and his books. Rome Sweet Home is essentially his conversion story on...
I have to admit that Scott Hahn has me addicted to studying Scripture, especially with "A Father Who Keeps His Promises". After my third reading, I recommended it to our parish priest, and he loved it. In fact, he decided to use it in teaching our parish Bible Study group this winter. And it's been a big hit with the whole group. So our priest announced last Sunday that he plans to use it again next fall. Meanwhile,...