Visions of Hell...
In A Divine Revelation of Hell, over a period of thirty nights, God gave Mary K. Baxter visions of hell and commissioned her to tell people still alive on earth to reject sin and evil, and to choose life in Christ. Here is an account of...
In A Divine Revelation of Heaven, after thirty nights in which God gave her visions of the depths of hell and the punishments of the lost, Mary K. Baxter was shown for ten nights the glories of heaven--the home of redeemed souls. Included in this book are her depictions...
Cielo o infierno?
En Una revelaci n divina del infierno, durante un per odo de treinta noches, Dios le dio a Mary K. Baxter visiones del infierno y le encarg a las personas que a n viven en la tierra que rechazaran el pecado y la maldad, y que eligieran la...
?Cielo o infierno? En Una revelaci?n divina del infierno , durante un per?odo de treinta noches, Dios le dio a Mary K. Baxter visiones del infierno y le encarg? a las personas que a?n viven en la tierra que rechazaran el pecado y la maldad, y que eligieran la vida en Cristo...
Visions of Hell...
In A Divine Revelation of Hell, over a period of thirty nights, God gave Mary K. Baxter visions of hell and commissioned her to tell people still alive on earth to reject sin and evil, and to choose life in Christ. Here is an account of...
Visions of Hell...
In A Divine Revelation of Hell, over a period of thirty nights, God gave Mary K. Baxter visions of hell and commissioned her to tell people still alive on earth to reject sin and evil, and to choose life in Christ. Here is an account of...
Cielo o Infierno?
Durante cuarenta d as Dios le dio a Mary Kathryn Baxter visiones del Infierno y la comision para que se las contase a todos a fin de que escojan la vida. He aqu un recuento de ese lugar y de los seres que lo poblan vistos en contraste con las...