Carrie Stuart Parks utilizes her own background as a celebrated, FBI-trained forensic artist to blend fact and fiction into a stunning mystery. A 19th-century conspiracy is about to be shattered by a 21st-century forensic artist. In...
Carol Award winner for best mystery/suspense/thriller of 2015 In the shadow of the Mormon church, a 19th-century conspiracy is about to be...
awarded by ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers),
Finalist: the Christy Awards. Finalist: the Selah Awards
Carol Award winner for best mystery/suspense/thriller of 2015 In the shadow of the Mormon church, a 19th-century conspiracy is about to be...
awarded by ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers),
Finalist: the Christy Awards. Finalist: the Selah Awards
Carol Award winner for best mystery/suspense/thriller of 2015 In the shadow of the Mormon church, a 19th-century conspiracy is about to be...
awarded by ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers),
Finalist: the Christy Awards. Finalist: the Selah Awards