What happens when a hyperactive, self-obsessed, results-oriented genius, who is also a bit dwarfish, the son of the ex-regent of his planet, and former commander for a group of galactic mercenaries decides to court a widow that is sour on marriage? Well, it has to be comedy, there is just no other choice. A Civil Campaign (A Comedy of Biology and Manners) is all about Miles Vorkosigan, and his somewhat inept efforts...
Being a long time reader of Ms. Bujolds work I was very excited when the book came out..not having expected another for some time. So I was somewhat disappointed with the slow start of the novel. But confident that Ms. Bujold would continue in her habit of writing excellent books with a lavish touch of humor and a wry sensible wisdom I bent my eyes to the page and continued...What a MISTAKE! Shortly afterwards..perhaps...
Let me first explain that I am a great lover of Miles Vorkosigan books. And a great fan of Bujold's, even when she's not writing about him. But I think this is one of the better books in the series, showing more about him than those that spend more time with his point of view.If you have read Komarr (and you really SHOULD), you know what one story thread is going to be. But this hardly prepares you for all the twists...
Miles Vorkosigan has got to be one of the most brilliant characters ever unleashed on the unsuspecting reading public. Dwarfed before birth by an assassination attempt upon his pregnant mother, Miles has every reason to shun public life and duty; instead he drives his crippled body mercilessly through a career as a military secret agent. Medically discharged before thirty due to seizures, Miles has become a special Auditor...
Bujold does it again, absoluotly priceless. Haveing read Warrior's Apprentice when first published I have to say that Bujold is one of three authors I would reccomend as must read SF. (Harry Harrison's Stailess Steel Rat series and C J Cherryh's Company , Chanur, and Foriegner series are the others). I loved Warrior's Apprentice. I fell in love with the series at the epilouge of Shards of Honor. (made me cry, no BS.....