I read this book a couple of weeks of taking over my first church. This book saved my job (and the church). It made me ask the questions that I needed to ask and allowed me to avoid some of the pitfalls of change.
This is a well balance approach to needed changes in the church for this postmodern world. It is full of information and thought provoking insight. It gives hope, in that what works in one place may not work in another, but also provides ample warning as well.
A few chapters in particular do a great job of defining the basic problems that can hold churches back and explaining how to move forward and reach the young and future generations. People who I shared the book said they found it eye-opening, in the sense that it makes long-term church-goers realize that excessively traditional churches often are having no effect on the world outside their doors. I believe that, for presenting...
If you are familiar with the works of Rick Warren and Bill Hybels (author's of the aforementioned), you will love this book. Leith Anderson has taken a mid-size church and has turned it into a powerful force for Christianity. He knows how to do it. This book tells us all what to prepare for. A must if you are entering the ministry.