Get Selected! is a phenomenal prep manual for an aspiring QP. The detailed care and wisdom poured into this book is remarkable. I highly recommend this to anyone contemplating attending SFAS. Read, re-read and then when all is said and done, re-read! Go over every fine point. Find where you feel you might be weakest and remedy it. Tools, resources and aids, all available yet wasted if one does nothing to implement. ...
Invaluable tool to prep for SFAS and SFQC. Would recommend to all prospective candidates.
GET SELECTED is the Holy Grail for anyone interested in getting selected for Special Forces! Written by authors who helped shape the selection course, they know everything there is to know about how to succeed in the course and how to fail. The book gives very specific advice on how to physically prepare for selection, but, perhaps more importantly, it tells you how to prepare yourself MENTALLY. The authors describe the...
Very Very helpful in getting to selection. Gives the insight that I couldn't find anywhere else. Thanks Sir!
This book is amazing. I read it in about 2 days because I couldn't put it down. It is full of information from the guys who completed selection and qualification. I will be looking at this book constantly until I get to SFAS.