we give this book away to new members of the Hollywood Fl Center for Positive Living. Its Great ! Ernest Holmes was a brilliant man who taught the Law of Attraction, (law of Mind) This book will give you tremendous insight and if you actually read it each day and meditate on his words, it will cause growth. Simply wonderful...You deserve it... Would also be a great gift for someone who needs a daily boost..
I very much enjoying the daily readings. It makes it more accessible to me I think to focus on small truths daily.
This is a wonderful book of daily inspiration, I read a page every morning before I leave for work and it really helps put my mind in a good place to start my day.
If you can appreciate beautiful poetry, then you can handle the wisdom in this book. His thoughts are very deep yet extremely practical for the day to day. It's worth it to read a selection each day and keep a journal to further examine the lesson contained within its pages. If you are familiar with his philosphies - you'll really appreciate the articulate nature of his impressions and spiritual remedies. If you are not...
Must have If you have read the Science of mind or Urantia book, this is for you. These days of confusion, everybody could use a daily guide and inspiration in our life. I highly recommend this book of great wisdom. It is for everybody who made the first step toward higher meanings and more spiritual life.