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Parenting & RelationshipsAs parents, we often hear that it's important to bolster a child's self-esteem. But how? And how is "self-esteem" different from "self-confidence" (or, in the extemes, "arrogance")?The best way I've seen it described is: "A child gains self-esteem when they feel valued by the important people in their lives." And I think the best way to make a child feel valued is to let them know that you're constantly thinking of them in...
If you try the suggestions in this book, not only will your child feel special, but you will too. When doing the activities in the book, you will build a closer relationship with your child. These activities remind you of how important it is to spend time with your child and how important it is to recognize your child's individuality. These activities also bring out the creativity and fun in your child. Most of the activities...