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Education & Reference General Humor Humor & Entertainment Reference Travel Travel WritingDave Barry himself deserves six stars at least. This is his latest hilarious collection of columns from papers across the nation. Mr. Barry is as gut-wrenchingly funny as ever. (And he got a toilet on the cover of the book)Among the intense, serious topics discussed in this are:*"Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" and their questioning system ("You call your mother DURING THE X-FILES??")*The new toilets and why we hate them so...
Our local newspaper has been on strike for several years now, and not wanting to be a scab I stopped my subscription and had to cut myself off from the Dave Barry columns. So, when I bought "Dave Barry is not Taking This Sitting Down" for my sister's Christmas present, I decided she wouldn't mind if I did a bit of catching up on my favorite humor columnist.That was a mistake.I took it to bed with me and laughed so long and...
I first read this book in a quiet bookstore coffee shop. I don't think that the people studying at the tables around me appreciated it too much. I kept making strange noises in an effort not to laugh. After a little while I just started crying because it was so funny. About every 5 minutes I had to put it down and rest because my stomach hurt so much from laughing. Anyway, it's one of Barry's best and definitely a book...
I'm not the most unbiased reviewer because I have to confess that I have read every book that Barry has ever written including his not so stellar novel. Still, I can't imagine anyone I'd ever want to have coffee with not thinking this book is hysterical. I'm always amazed at his turn of phrase and wit in every single article on any topic imaginable. Whether he's talking about flushing "acts of congress" (#2) down a low...
This is one of the funniest books I have ever read. I'm 8 months pregnant and had to stop reading several times for fear that my laughter would cause harm to my unborn child! I would recommend not reading this book in public because the constant laughter will cause people to stare and point. I would highly recommend this book to everybody!