神对每个基督徒都有一个完美的旨意吗?你很确定神对你生命的特别旨意吗?在这本广受赞誉的《智慧的决定》25周年纪念版中,Garry Friesen重新审视了当今普遍存在的对上帝旨意的观点,用全新的圣经观点取代了传统意义上的对上帝如何引导人的教导。这个新版本包括以下有用的资源
-经文记忆指南 Does God have a perfect will for every Christian? Are you sure of God's special will for your life? In this acclaimed 25th anniversary edition of Wise Decisions, Garry Friesen takes a fresh look at today's The prevailing view of God's will replaces the traditional teaching of how God guides people with a new biblical view. This new version includes the following helpful resources:
-Group Study Guide
-Answer frequently asked questions
-Scripture Memory Guide
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