By Violet • May 20, 2020
Did you know that when you add an item to your wish list on ThriftBooks, you're adding a specific ISBN/edition of a book? Did you ever think, "I wish I could specify my preferred format or condition" or "I want any copy of this book of any edition"?
We've heard our customer's requests for these features, and we listened! Check out your new and improved wish list, and read on for details on the new capabilities. Don't worry if you love your wish list exactly as it is: nothing will change if you don't want it to!
Here's a rundown of all the new ways you can use your lists.
When you add an item to your wish list, it will be exactly the same as it has been. You'll be adding that specific edition of a title to your list, see the same Best Value recommendation available for purchase, and receive the same notifications.
The items on your wish list now display a Configure Options link beneath the ISBN.
Click the Configure Options link to see all of the new features you can use. Choose your preferred options, and then hit Apply. To close the options without making any changes, click Configure Options again. On laptops and desktop computers, the options will expand on the same page. On mobile devices, a new page will open.
When you change list options, the copy we suggest for you will be chosen from items that match your criteria, and your notifications will adjust to only let you know when we have items that match your preferences.
If we have more than one copy that matches your criteria, you'll see a link that reads See All Matching Copies. This will show you all available copies of the book that match your wish list criteria. If no items matching your selected options are in stock but other copies of the title are available, you'll see a link that reads See Other Available Editions near the Add to Cart button. Click this link to see the in-stock copies of the item that don't match your preferences.
Once you've chosen your options and clicked Apply, you can then modify any of those filters again. On laptops and desktop computers, you can also click the filter name where displayed in teal beneath Configure Options, as shown below.
We wanted to make mobile list management more mobile user friendly. We've kept all your favorite options but moved them around a little. At the top of any of your wish lists on mobile, click the View All Lists link to switch between lists. Click the vertical : symbol to modify list settings, sort, and share your lists.
If this all sounds like a lot, it's OK. Leave your list as it is, or play around with options to see what happens! We hope you enjoy your new list options, and thank you for providing us your feedback.