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The ThriftBooks Blog

A GivingTuesday for Everyone

Your purchase today contributes to our support of Little Free Library

By Barbara HagenDecember 02, 2024

Earlier in 2024, ThriftBooks began a partnership with Little Free Library through book donations and sponsorship of Impact Library Program book-sharing boxes and today we are proud to support Little Free Library on GivingTuesday. All purchases made on today, Tuesday, December 3, 2024, will contribute towards our donation of 1% of our net revenue to Little Free Library and their programs. You do not need to opt in or add extra funds to your checkout. Simply purchase as you normally do on (be sure to check out our holiday gift guides for great book gift ideas) and you will contribute towards our donation. It's that simple.

Celebrating 20 Years of ThriftBooks

Our commitment to our customers and the next 20 years

By Barbara HagenJune 20, 2023

Today, ThriftBooks officially kicks off its 20th anniversary celebration! We attribute our success to our three value pillars: Commitment to customers, commitment to the environment, and commitment to our employees.

From Wish List to Gift List

Create a shoppable Wish List to share with friends and family

By Barbara HagenNovember 01, 2022

New this holiday, the ThriftBooks® team is excited to announce the introduction of the ThriftBooks® Gift List – a shoppable Wish List for you to share with family and friends this holiday season…or anytime of the year! Read more to learn how to create and share your own.

So Many Stars

Our 1 Million Reviews Celebration!

By Barbara HagenMay 08, 2022

Back in 2014, when was in its early years, we established a relationship an independent third-party review site called Trustpilot. Recently we hit a new milestone with Trustpilot—1 million reviews! ThriftBooks is the first company on Trustpilot to ever have 1,000,000 reviews so of course we're thrilled! Read on to hear more about the history of our company and what this means for us (plus, our customers might get a little something too!)

Turning Books into Benefits

Introducing ThriftBooks 4 Teachers™

By Barbara HagenMay 02, 2022

I know many teachers and educators will often use some of their own funds to purchase their school or classroom supplies. They do not have to be alone in this. All of us here at ThriftBooks would like to help make those funds go a little bit further, every day, which is why we are excited to introdude you to ThriftBooks 4 Teachers™, our new everyday offer for school faculty!

Happy Birthday, ThriftBooks!

By Barbara HagenJuly 28, 2021

ThriftBooks is now 18 years old! From a single storage unit in 2003 to 13 million titles, we have certainly come a long way! Whether you are a new customer or someone who has been with us for the long haul, enjoy this walk down memory lane with a look at some of our old designs, hear from some of our employees, and hear from us what we love so much about our customers!

Sweeter Rewards Are Here!

Now, Higher Value Free Book Rewards and a New Middle Tier!

By Barbara HagenApril 25, 2021

Today we are super excited to share our revamped ReadingRewards program, designed to give you, our customers, sweeter rewards towards something you love doing...reading! Get the lowdown on all of the new benefits, our new third tier, and the new dashboard view.

A Real Brand, a Real Promise

By Barbara HagenApril 14, 2021

A few weeks ago, a would-be new customer reached out to us with a question that caught me off-guard. "Are you a real company?" As I thought about it more, it made increasing sense to me why someone might ask this. In our widening virtual world—made even more so by the pandemic—we are right to question what is on the other side of the glowing screen in front of us.

Your Wish Is Our Command

Power Up Your Wish List with New, Advanced Features

By Violet • May 20, 2020

As a ThriftBooks wish list user, have you ever thought "I wish I could specify my preferred format or condition" or "I want any copy of this book of any edition"? We've heard many customer requests for these wish list features, and we listened! Check out your new and improved wish list now, and read on for details on the new capabilities.

ThriftBooks: A Peek Behind the Scenes

By Hugo Munday • January 22, 2016

Discover how we serve our readers.

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