By Ashly Moore Sheldon • December 17, 2024
It's time for our annual collection of the best books of the year. The titles that made the cut cover a robust range of genres and categories. This roundup includes the standouts in mystery & sci-fi/fantasy. Our next edition will focus on romance & horror. Check out past posts on literary fiction & nonfiction and kids & YA.
By Ashly Moore Sheldon • October 06, 2024
As we move into autumn, many readers are drawn to books with a chilling quality. Our newest survey, conducted by Talker Research and commissioned by Thriftbooks, investigated all things related to the spooky genre and what we found turned into a riveting tale. Here are some of our most arresting findings.
By Amanda Cleveland • August 27, 2023
Looking for a new crime to solve? Full of twists, turns, surprises—and a few cats—these twelve beloved detectives and amateur-sleuths will have you binge-reading all night. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about them to pick the perfect next mystery series to sink into.
By Ashly Moore Sheldon • February 26, 2020
Here's the last in our Black History Month series, featuring great black writers from four genres. The publishing industry is sorely lacking in diversity, so it is important to shine a light on authors of color. This week, we feature Horror and Mystery. Here are nine writers who offer scary, thrilling, addictive reads.
By Ashly Moore Sheldon • December 20, 2019
Here's our fourth installment for the best books of the past decade. Each week for five weeks, we are presenting top ten lists of the best books of the past decade in two different genres. A total of ten lists of ten: 10 x 10 equals 100! This week's lists are SciFi/Fantasy and Thriller/Mystery. Here are our picks for the top ten of each.
By Ashly Moore Sheldon • November 27, 2019
The holidays can be so hectic, but the wintry weather just makes us want to hunker down with a good book. As we head into hibernation season, we crave captivating reads that make us want to call in sick to work. (Not that we're suggesting you do that!) Here's a list of ten yummy unputdownable books with affordable price tags.
By Ashly Moore Sheldon • October 16, 2019
It may leave us sleeping with the lights on, but true crime tales are still a staple on our bedside tables. Why do we love these stories of grisly murders and twisted secrets? We came up with a few "benefits" of exploring the dark underbelly of human nature.
By Terry Fleming • May 01, 2019
In praise of National Paranormal Day (May 3), a day set aside to believe all those stories of supernatural stirrings and otherworldly oscillations you hear about throughout the year, allow me to introduce to you the Emperor of Eerie, Charles Fort!
By Emma Zaratian • April 29, 2019
It's practically May, which means—aside from the backyard relaxation station starting to come into its own—we’re entering Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, a time our country celebrates the many cultural and historic contributions of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. To honor this special month, we've compiled a short starter list of some of the best new fiction (released in the past year) by Asian-Pacific American authors. These are the kind of riveting reads you can curl up with in your hammock, on a lounger, or at the beach and lose track of the day.
By Emma Zaratian • April 22, 2019
Because we're gluttons for punishment, we thought we'd revisit five notable (and very different) dystopian novels that explore themes of environmental disaster. Just to pique our survivalist instincts this Earth Day.