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Political Thriller
Mystery, Thriller & Suspense
Power Struggles
Commonalities of the books on Political Thriller include: 1. The presence of political intrigue, power struggles and corruption in government. 2. The use of conspiracy theories and cover-ups as key plot devices. 3. The involvement of intelligence agencies, spies and operatives in the story. 4. High-stakes situations such as terrorist attacks, assassination plots, and nuclear war. 5. Exploration of personal relationships in a political context. 6. Themes of justice, power, and morality in politics. 7. Settings that range from modern-day Washington D.C. to alternate worlds and historical periods. 8. Strong protagonists such as journalists, lawyers, CIA agents, politicians or military personnel who fight against the odds to uncover the truth or prevent disaster. 9. A blend of genres including suspenseful medical thrillers, medieval-inspired fantasy epics, post-apocalyptic Christian novels, and more. 10. A focus on international relations with stories set in various parts of the world like Vietnam during the French Indochina War or Cold War-era France.