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Social Responsibility

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ThriftBooks takes our role in the reading community seriously, and this is why we focus on 3 core tenets when it comes to our social responsibility.

Charitable Support

Since its inception, ThriftBooks has purchased books from charities allowing them to focus on doing good in the community and applying the funds towards programs that give back. Over the last decade, ThriftBooks has provided more than $100 million to charity partners through its purchase of reading materials.

Environmental Impact

Truckloads of books come through our warehouse doors every day. Tens of thousands of these books are sold to customers worldwide or shipped in bulk internationally. Material we can't use are sent to recycling plants, where each ton of 100% post-consumer copy paper (approximately 1.4 tons of books) saves 24 trees, 7,000 gallons of water, 4,100 kilowatts of electricity, and 60 pounds of air pollution. ThriftBooks recycles millions of pounds of books every year.


ThriftBooks Gives partners with non-profits to provide for underserved communities, including Title I schools, prison libraries, and international literacy programs. Whether donating books or volunteering our time, we focus on promoting reading and its benefits in the world.


We are always excited to hear about new programs and opportunities to support readers. If you'd like to know more about our ThriftBooks Cares program or how we could contribute to your cause, contact us at

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