Kicking the Carbon Habit: Global Warming And the Case for Renewable And Nuclear Energy
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Climate Diplomacy from Rio to Paris: The Effort to Contain Global Warming
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The Moral, Social and Political Philosophy of the British Idealists
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Race, Gender, and Supremacy (The Thoemmes Library of American Thought)
Amusements on Animal Language and Animal Passions (Thoemmes Press - Thoemmes Library of Eighteenth-Century Texts)
Evolution, Law, And Economics
Idealism and rights: The social ontology of human rights in the political thought of Bernard Bosanquet
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Early Debates On Instrumentalism,
Bibliography of Modern British Philosophy
Richard Bentley & Milton's Aeropagiticam with a Commentary
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Cultural Clash and Religion
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Care of Self and Meaning of Life: Asian and Christian Reflections
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The Nuclear Age: Atomic Energy, Proliferation and the Arms Race
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