- The Collapse of American Criminal Justice
- Comprehensive Criminal Procedure
- Criminal Procedure: Investigation And Right To Counsel
- Defining Crimes (Aspen Casebook Series)
- Constitutional Criminal Procedure: An Examination of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendments and Related Areas (Law School Casebook Series, 1989 Supplement)
- Debra A. Livingston
- Joseph L. Hoffmann
- Ronald Jay Allen
- Richard Hartley
- Gary A. Rabe
- Shirley V. Scott
- Andrew D. Leipold
- Alton Hornsby Jr.
- Shirley Walberg Ekvall
- S.J. Haught
- DeAnne Flynn
- Richard L. Luftig
- Howard Lesnick
- Benjamin Fletcher Wright
- Jeremy Radvan
- Rashelle S. Karp
- Frank Donovan
- Robert Badinter
- Linda E. Carter
- American Self-Help Clearinghouse