Watch for the Light: Readings for Advent and Christmas
$11.19 - $19.37
Resident Aliens: Life in the Christian Colony
$4.39 - $18.28
Acts (Interpretation, a Bible Commentary for Teaching and Preaching)
$7.39 - $32.50
Pastor: The Theology and Practice of Ordained Ministry
$5.49 - $25.47
Fear of the Other: No Fear in Love
$5.49 - $13.84
Heaven and Earth: Advent and the Incarnation
United Methodist Beliefs: A Brief Introduction
$5.39 - $15.01
Calling & Character: Virtues of the Ordained Life
$5.19 - $18.91
Why Jesus?
$4.69 - $15.11
Pastor: A Reader for Ordained Ministry
$4.59 - $23.99
Sunday Dinner
$5.39 - $6.79
Lord Teach Us: The Lord's Prayer & the Christian Life
$5.39 - $12.57
Aging: Growing Old in Church
$11.19 - $49.01
Don't Look Back
$6.19 - $15.74
Worship As Pastoral Care
$5.69 - $22.09
Remember Who You Are: Baptism and the Christian Life
The Pastor's Guide to Effective Preaching
$6.69 - $13.20
Word, Water, Wine, and Bread: How Worship Has Changed over the Years
Sinning Like a Christian: A New Look at the Seven Deadly Sins
$5.49 - $14.47
The Holy Spirit
$9.89 - $13.84
Where Resident Aliens Live: Exercises for Christian Practice
$5.39 - $17.01
Why I Am a United Methodist
$4.79 - $11.30
The Best of Will Willimon: Acting Up in Jesus' Name
$6.39 - $15.11
Leading with the Sermon: Preaching as Leadership
$12.09 - $15.52
The Truth About God: The Ten Commandments in Christian Life
$6.29 - $13.20
This We Believe: The Core of Wesleyan Faith and Practice
$5.49 - $15.74
Thank God It's Friday: Encountering the Seven Last Words from the Cross
$5.59 - $15.74
Pastor's Guide To Personal Spiritual Formation
$5.39 - $14.22
Concise Encyclopedia of Preaching
$5.89 - $39.76
Peculiar Speech: Preaching to the Baptized
$4.49 - $14.16