Nobel-Prize-winning writer William Faulkner was born into an old Southern family in 1897 and grew up in Oxford, Mississippi. He never finished high school. Faulkner joined the British Royal Air Force during World War 1, changing the spelling of his surname from Falkner to Faulkner. After the war, he studied at the University of Mississippi, and held a variety of jobs from bookstore clerk to reporter. Faulkner's main efforts, however, focused on writing stories and novels. After publishing several books including The Sound and The Fury and Light in August, Faulkner took up screenwriting as a way of earning money. He traveled to Hollywood intermittently to fulfill his obligations, but kept his home in Mississippi. One of the most important American writers and strongly associated with the South, Faulkner earned several National Book Awards and two Pulitzer Prizes in addition to the Nobel Prize for Literature (1949). He died in 1962.
As I Lay Dying
$4.29 - $70.09
The Sound and the Fury
$4.29 - $70.49
Absalom, Absalom!
$4.29 - $42.49
Light in August
$4.19 - $44.19
Collected Stories of William Faulkner
$5.89 - $43.49
Go Down, Moses
$4.69 - $19.19
$4.79 - $28.49
The Reivers
$4.19 - $15.89
The Hamlet
$4.39 - $42.29
Selected Short Stories
$6.69 - $19.81
Intruder in the Dust
$4.59 - $23.19
The Unvanquished
$4.79 - $63.39
Spotted Horses / Old Man / The Bear
$6.09 - $37.59
A Fable
$5.79 - $22.59
The Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying, Sanctuary, Intruder in the Dust / William Faulkner
The Mansion
$4.19 - $47.46
The Wild Palms
$6.69 - $21.59
My Mistress's Sparrow Is Dead: Great Love Stories, from Chekhov to Munro
$4.59 - $17.71
The Portable Faulkner
$5.39 - $41.49
16 Short Novels
$7.09 - $9.49
The Town
$5.09 - $17.47
Novels 1930-1935: As I Lay Dying / Sanctuary / Light in August / Pylon
$13.19 - $27.80
$6.79 - $32.95
Magical Realist Fiction: An Anthology
$12.19 - $19.40
The Sound and the Fury and As I Lay Dying
$22.29 - $23.39
Soldiers' Pay
$4.59 - $41.49
Requiem for a Nun
$5.69 - $21.79
A Treasury of Civil War Stories
$6.89 - $7.89
Flags in the Dust
$5.49 - $17.47
Big Woods
$5.29 - $44.89