Rediscovering Masculinity: Reason, Language and Sexuality
Unreasonable Men: Theories of Masculinity (Male Orders)
$15.89 - $180.00
A Truer Liberty: Simone Weil and Marxism
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Man Enough: Embodying Masculinities
Recreating Sexual Politics (Male Orders)
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Transforming Masculinities: Men, Cultures, Bodies, Power, Sex and Love
$63.99 - $180.00
Kant, Respect and Injustice: The Limits of Liberal Moral Theory
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The Achilles Heel Reader: Men, Sexual Politics and Socialism (Male Orders Series)
$63.86 - $190.00
Shadows of the Shoah: Jewish Identity and Belonging
$56.90 - $181.38
The Moral Limits of Modernity: Love, Inequality and Oppression
Remembering Diana: Cultural Memory and the Reinvention of Authority (Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies)
$59.78 - $60.03
Remembering 9/11: Terror, Trauma and Social Theory
$59.78 - $60.03
Recovering the Self: Morality and Social Theory
$61.99 - $180.00
Jewish Philosophy and Western Culture: A Modern Introduction
Making Sense of Brexit: Democracy, Europe and Uncertain Futures
Embodying identities: Culture, differences and social theory
$38.56 - $151.43
Ethical Humans: Life, Love, Labour, Learning and Loss
$54.93 - $180.00
Urban Fears and Global Terrors: Citizenship, Multicultures and Belongings After 7/7 (International Library of Sociology)
$31.47 - $190.00
Young Men and Masculinities: Global Cultures and Intimate Lives (Global Masculinities)