La cittá del Sole
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The New Atlantis and The City of the Sun: Two Classic Utopias
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The Sonnets of Michel Angelo Buonarroti
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The City of the Sun
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La Città Del Sole
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Opere Di Tommaso Campanella...
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Lettere di Tommaso Campanella raccolte ed annotate da Michele Baldacchini
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The City of the Sun: in large print
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Politica, lagrandes obras pensamiento 93
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Thomas Companella, Von Der Spanischen Monarchy: Oder Aussf�hrliches Bedencken, Welchermassen, Von Dem K�nig in Hispanien, Zu Nunmehr Lang Gesuchter Weltbeherrschung, So Wol Ins Gemein, ALS Auff Jedes
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Collected Works of Michael Angelo Buonarroti and Tommaso Campanella
Ideal Commonwealths; Comprising: More's Utopia, Bacon's New Atlantis, Campanella's City of the Sun, and Harrington's Oceana.
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Poesie Filosofiche Di Tomaso Campanella
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Campanellae Astrologicorum Libri VI (1629)
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De Libris Propriis Et Recta Ratione Studendi Syntagma (1642)
De Sensu Rerum Et Magia, Libri Quatuor (1620)
Discorsi Politici Ai Principi D'Italia (1848)
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Oeuvres Choisies de Campanella, Precedees D'Une Notice
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Selected Philosophical Poems of Tommaso Campanella: A Bilingual Edition
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A Defense of Galileo the Mathematician from Florence
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Del senso delle cose e della magia
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Discorsi Politici Ai Principi D'italia, Pubbl. Per Cura Di P. Garzilli
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Oeuvres Choisies...
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Poesie Filosofiche...
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Opere Di Tommaso Campanella, Volume 2...
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Vita Di Tommaso Campanella
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Der utopische Staat
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Opere Di Tommaso Campanella Scelte, Ordinate Ed Annotate Da Alessandro D'ancona, E Precedute Da Un Discorso Del Medesimo Sulla Vita E Le Dottrine Dell'autore, Volume 1
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Opere Di Tommaso Campanella, Volumes 1-2
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