- Gerard Manley Hopkins: The Classical Background and Critical Reception of His Work
- A Concordance to Conrad's an Outcast of the Islands
- A Concordance to Conrad's Almayer's Folly
- A Concordance to Conrad's Lord Jim: Verbal Index, Word Frequency Table and Field of Reference
- Concordances to Conrad's The Shadow Line and Youth: A Narrative
- Fay D. Metcalf
- Lawrence B. Goodheart
- Tammy Montgomery Boeck
- Brian L. Blakely
- Gayle Feng-Checkett
- Robert Mandrou
- Andrew Spencer
- Patricia Waugh
- Fred Weinstein
- Scott W. VanderStoep
- Paul Schlueter
- Helen Goodluck
- Tammy Montgomery
- Checkett
- R.A. Buchanan
- Barbara Melosh
- Peter Sutcliffe
- Stephen G. Rabe
- Margaret King
- Jason Powell