Canine Crimes
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Nightmare in Manhattan
Dark Window, the
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The Case of the Ice-Cold Hands / The Day She Died / A Thief in the Night
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A thief in the night
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To hide a rogue
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The Night Watch
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The Dark Window
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Let Their Voices Be Heard
The face of the enemy
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The Tenth Point
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The Night Watch / The Dark Window
The whole armour of God. A discourse delivered by the late Mr. Walsh, in West-Street Chapel; with an hymn on the same subject, by the Rev. Mr. Charles Wesley.
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Journal of the Late Campaign in Egypt: Including Descriptions of That Country, and of Gibraltar, Minorca, Malta, Marmorice, and Macri...
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Hispanic Anthology
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History of the Irish Hierarchy: With the Monasteries of Each County, Biographical Notices of the Irish Saints, Prelates, and Religious...
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Sermons (Classic Reprint)
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Eleven Poems
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Menendez y Pelayo on Spanish Mystical Poetry: Thought, V16, No. 60, March, 1941
Ecclesiastical History of Ireland
The Prison Ships: And Other Poems
The great salvation; and the danger of neglecting it. A sermon on Hebrews ii. 3. By Thomas Walsh.
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Hearkening to Jesus. A discourse on Matthew, xvii. 5. By Thomas Walsh.
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Jesus Christ made of God unto us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification and redemption. A discourse on I Cor. i. 30. By Thomas Walsh.
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Selected Poems of Thomas Walsh
The Cockade in the Sand: The Defeat of Napoleon's Egyptian Adventure & the Campaign of 1801-Journal of the Late Campaign in Egypt by Thomas Wal
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Journal de L'Expa(c)Dition Anglaise En A0/00gypte Dans L'Anna(c)E Mil Huit Cent; (A0/00d.1823)
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