L'Avare ou L'École du Mensonge
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The Dinosaur Trackers
The Virtuoso (Regents Restoration Drama Series)
$5.29 - $20.00
The Libertine: A Tragedy: Acted by His Royal Highness's Servants
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The Tempest, or, The Enchanted Island a Comedy as It is Now Acted, by His Majesties Servants
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Libertine Plays of the Restoration (The Everyman Library)
Four Restoration Libertine Plays (Oxford World's Classics)
The Volunteers, or The Stock-Jobbers: A Comedy
The history of Timon of Athens, the man-hater, 1678
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The Squire of Alsatia. A comedy, etc. [In five acts and in prose. With songs.]
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Shadwell's Restoration Comedy: A Play in Three Acts
The Miser: a comedy, in five acts and in prose: founded on Molière's "L'Avare.".
$18.75 - $21.60
The Squire of Alsatia. The Third edition.
Epsom-Wells, etc.
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Thomas Shadwell's the Squire of Alsatia: A Critical Edition (Satire and Sense)
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Don John: or, the libertine destroy'd. A tragedy. As it is now acted by Their Majesties servants. Written by Tho. Shadwell.
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The Squire of Alsatia. A comedy, etc. [In five acts and in prose. With songs.]
The Scowrers. A comedy, etc. [in five acts, in prose and verse.]
The Woman-Captain: a comedy, etc. [in five acts, and in prose, with songs.]
A True Widow. A comedy, etc. In five acts and in prose. (Prologue by Mr. Dryden.).
The Lancashire witches, and Tegue O Divelly the Irish priest. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. Written by Thomas Shadwell, ... The second edition.
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The Virtuoso. A comedy, etc. [In five acts and in prose.]
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The Poetry of Witchcraft Illustrated by Copies of the Plays on the Lancashire Witches
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The Works of Thomas Shadwell, Esq; Volume the Third. Containing, The Miser. The True Widow. The Lancashire Witches, and Tecue-o-Divelly. The Irish Priest. The Woman-captain. of 4; Volume 3
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The virtuoso. A comedy, as it is acted by their Majesties servants. Written by Thomas Shadwell, laur.
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Bury-Fair. A comedy, etc. [in five acts and in prose.]
The Lancashire Witches, and Tegue o Divelly the Irish Priest. A comedy. Part the first [in five acts and in prose]. The Amorous Bigot, with the second part of Tegue o Divelly, a comedy.
The Miser: A Comedy Acted by his Majesties Servants at the Theater Royal
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The Miser: a Comedy, Acted by His Majesties Servants at the Theatre Royal