Thomas R. Verny
#38 in Pregnancy & Childbirth
- The Secret Life of the Unborn Child: How You Can Prepare Your Baby for a Happy, Healthy Life
- Nurturing the Unborn Child
- The Embodied Mind: Understanding the Mysteries of Cellular Memory, Consciousness, and Our Bodies
- Pre-Parenting: Nurturing Your Child from Conception
- Tomorrow's Baby: The Art and Science of Parenting from Conception through Infancy
- Karen McAndless-Davis
- Frederick Wirth
- Lynne Johnson
- Joanne D.S. McMahon
- Clare Staples
- James Manning
- Sarah Horsby
- Ellen Zetzel Lambert
- Barbara L. Blum
- Debbie Koenig
- Ilene J. Philipson
- Scott Gillam
- M. David Galinsky
- Mary Dell
- Marilyn Irwin Boynton
- Sara Ruddick
- Manuel Ramírez
- Barbara Wilder
- Judy Mann
- Susan Osborne