Design for Resilience: Making the Future We Leave Behind
Wind and Strategy
$21.39 - $25.67
The Code of Competition
The Handbook of Design for Sustainability
God Bless America: The Rosary: A Tool for Catholics and Protestants to Unite and Pray for the Healing of America
Sustainable by Design: Explorations in Theory and Practice
Performance Advances in Small Boat Racing
$15.19 - $25.45
Design Roots: Local Products and Practices in a Globalized World
Portmanteau Adaptations
Design Realities: Creativity, Nature and the Human Spirit
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Design and Spirituality: A Philosophy of Material Cultures
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Design and Spirituality: A Philosophy of Material Cultures
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Keto Diet: The perfect guide to start losing weight and fat
More Portmanteau Plays
$22.36 - $33.95
More Portmanteau Plays
Design Realities: Creativity, Nature and the Human Spirit
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Portmanteau Plays (One-Act Plays in Reprint Series)
$25.95 - $32.95
Risk/Benefit Assessment in Medicine
Portmanteau and Plays by Stuart Walker
$25.95 - $27.95
Portmanteau Plays, by Stuart Walker; Ed, and with an Introduction by Edward Hale Bierstadt
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Design for Life: Creating Meaning in a Distracted World
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Benefit-Risk Assessment of Medicines: The Development and Application of a Universal Framework for Decision-Making and Effective Communication
Pharmaceutical Regulatory Environment: Challenges and Opportunities in the Gulf Region
$59.78 - $60.03
Travels with Thermopylae
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Her Name Was Laura: A Daughter's Journal Helps Heal Her Father's Grief
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Enabling Solutions for Sustainable Living: A Workshop
$16.49 - $20.79
Designing Sustainability: Making Radical Changes in a Material World
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Portmanteau Plays
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More Portmanteau Plays, by Stuart Walker, Edited, and with an Introduction, by Edward Hale Bierstadt
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The Relevance of Ethnic Factors in the Clinical Evaluation of Medicines: Medicines (Centre for Medicines Research Workshop)