- The Professional Counselor: A Process Guide to Helping
- Counseling Strategies and Interventions
- Interviewing and Change Strategies for Helpers: Fundamental Skills and Cognitive-Behavior Interventions
- Interviewing Strategies for Helpers: Fundamental Skills and Cognitive Behavioral Interventions
- Sweet Sorrow: Finding Enduring Wholeness After Loss and Grief
- Cynthia J. Osborn
- Paula S. Nurius
- Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance American Alliance for Health
- Richard B. B. Flynn
- Mary J. Heppner
- Noreen Palmer
- Carol Hankins
- Gary D. Hankins
- Maga Jackson-Triche
- Faye Childs
- Lauren K Ayers
- Wayne P. Hresko
- Norman C. Gysbers
- Bert L. Kaplan
- William F. Evans
- Robert C. Sorensen
- McCullagh
- Martin Sundel
- Phillip L. Rice
- A. Renee Staton