- Paradigms of Paranoia: The Culture of Conspiracy in Contemporary American Fiction
- Quirks of the Quantum: Postmodernism and Contemporary American Fiction
- Anthony Burgess (Modern literature series)
- In Hawthorne's Shadow: American Romance from Melville to Mailer
- The Mystery of Mysteries: Cultural Differences and Designs
- Maurice Merleau-Ponty
- Hans-Georg Gadamer
- Félix Guattari
- Luce Irigaray
- Pierre Bourdieu
- Roger Lewis
- Paul Ricœur
- Margaret A. Boden
- Andy Clark
- Alain Badiou
- Emmanuel Levinas
- Michael Bérubé
- Philo of Alexandria
- J. David Bolter
- Max Horkheimer
- R.S. Thomas
- W. Carnochan
- Darren Oldridge
- James O. Freedman
- Inc Cartier