- Del Pane E Della Economia E Coltura De Grani Dissertazione (1782)
- A Nephez Valo Tudositas Mikeppen Kellyen A Maga Egeffegere Vigyazni (1772)
- A letter from the celebrated Dr. Tissot, to Dr. Zimmerman, on the morbus niger; including some apposite cases equally curious and interesting. ... Translated ... by John Burke, M.D.
- Advice to people in general, with respect to their health: translated from the Frenched of Dr Tissot's Avis au peuple, To which are added, by the author, two new chapters: one upon inoculation, the ot
- Advice to people in general, with respect to their health: translated from the Frenched of Dr Tissot's Avis au peuple, To which is added, by the author, two new chapters: one upon inoculation, the oth