- Introduction to Criminal Justice
- Deathquest III: An Introduction to the Theory & Practice of Capital Punishment in the United States
- A Primer on Crime and Delinquency Theory (The Wadsworth Series in Criminological Theory)
- America's Experiment With Capital Punishment: Reflections on the Past, Present, and Future of the Ultimate Penal Sanction
- Ultimate Sanction: Understanding the Death Penalty Through its Many Voices and Many Sides
- Richard E. Speidel
- Adelheid A.M. Nicol
- Steven R. Barth
- Leonard J. Marcus
- Saly A. Glassman
- Jack Westoby
- Lisa Desjardins
- Barry C. Dorn
- Randall Coyne
- Bernard Sweeney
- Richard S. Lehman
- Robert Desjarlais
- Reid L. Sawyer
- Penny M. Pexman
- William J. Pomeroy
- Alexander DeConde
- Michael Benson
- Rick Emerson
- Steve Easton
- Janice B. Wyatt