- Albert Einstein and the Theory of Relativity (Solutions Series)
- Sequoyah and the Cherokee Alphabet (Alvin Josephy's Biography Series of American Indians)
- Phil's Errand
- King Philip and the War With the Colonists (Alvin Josephy's Biography Series of American Indians)
- A. Philip Randolph and the Labor Movement
- Alfons Heck
- Floyd McClung
- Helen Waterford
- Linda Crew
- Louis Untermeyer
- David Kherdian
- Margaret I. Rostkowski
- N.A. Perez
- D. Jeanene Watson
- John F. Devries
- Cathy Applegate
- Frances Carpenter
- Joan D. Criddle
- A. Kenneth Curtis
- Ann Steinke
- Allan Maberly
- Richard O. Boyer
- Herbert M. Morais
- Shari Graydon
- Norah Perez