Robert Conquest
#29 in Biotechnology
#29 in Biotechnology
The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivization and the Terror-Famine
$6.59 - $100.00
The Great Terror: Stalin's Purge of the Thirties
$7.79 - $130.00
$4.19 - $21.10
Reflections on a Ravaged Century
$4.89 - $20.41
Stalin and the Kirov Murder
$5.79 - $9.99
The Dragons of Expectation: Reality and Delusion in the Course of History
$4.79 - $11.79
What to Do When the Russians Come: A Survivor's Guide
$14.99 - $16.79
Kolyma: The Arctic D
$19.19 - $25.69
Tyrants and Typewriters: The Struggle for Truth
$14.09 - $16.09
V. I. Lenin (Modern masters)
SPECTRUM I: A Science Fiction Anthology
Man-made Famine in the Ukraine (AEI studies)
Inside Stalin's Secret Police: Nkvd Politics, 1936-1939 (Hoover Press Publication, No 324)
The Last Empire: Nationality and the Soviet Future (Hoover Institution Press Publication)
A World of Difference
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Defending Amer
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The Egyptologists
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Gulag Collection
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Power and policy in the U.S.S.R: The study of Soviet dynastics
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Where Marx went wrong
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We and They: Civic and Despotic Cultures
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Present danger: Towards a foreign policy (Hoover Institution publication ; 216)
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The Nation Killers
The Soviet Political System.
New and Collected Poems (Hutchinson Poets)
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Russia After Khrushchev
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The Pasternak Affair: Courage of Genius : A Documentary Report
Analog Science Fiction and Fact, 1965 October (Volume LXXVI, No. 2)
Out of Stock
Soviet Police System (Soviet Studies)
The Soviet Union and Terrorism