- Wheat-free, Milk-free, Egg-free Cooking (Cooking for Special Diets)
- Easy Wheat, Egg and Milk Free Cooking (Recipes for Health)
- The Soft Diet: For Chewing and Swallowing Difficulties: Nutritious, Appetising And Practical Recipes
- Antioxidant Nutrition: Help Fight Cancer, Ageing and Degenerative Diseases with Nature's Protectors
- An Introduction to Lettering (A Studio book)
- John Croiset
- Marie-Jo Morelle
- Gerald P. Ruane
- Ann Marie Hancock
- Edwin Carpenter
- Charles D. Drew
- Silvia Feldman
- Cherry Maslen
- Graham Walters
- Kimberly Sarmiento
- Gail Pallin
- Asa Mahan
- Marlis Weber
- R. Sonny Misar
- Linda Bird
- Janna Walkup
- Kurt Baumann
- Richard H. Balomenos
- Toni Haring Smith
- Stasys Eidrigevičius