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Series By Renata Salecl
A Passion for Ignorance: What We Choose Not to Know and Why
$17.62 - $31.97
$4.69 - $13.81
Sexuation: SIC 3 ([sic] Series)
$7.19 - $35.11
Lacan and Contemporary Film (Contemporary Theory Series)
$19.69 - $27.00
On Anxiety (Thinking in Action)
$7.39 - $39.38
Per Versions of Love and Hate (Wo Es War)
$21.79 - $25.69
Europa28: Writing by Women on the Future of Europe
The Spoils of Freedom: Psychoanalysis, Feminism and Ideology After the Fall of Socialism (Opening Out: Feminism for Today)
$60.80 - $180.00
Gaze and Voice As Love Objects
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