- The Inner Journey: Views from the Christian Tradition (PARABOLA Anthology Series)
- Christ the Yogi: A Hindu Reflection on the Gospel of John
- The Bhagavad Gita: A Guide to Navigating the Battle of Life
- The Inner Journey: Views from the Hindu Tradition (PARABOLA Anthology Series)
- The Gospel of John in the Light of Indian Mysticism
- Barbara Moore
- Thomas Gately Briody
- Nichiko Niwano
- Frank Orenstein
- Bernard Schopen
- Karen Berne
- Helena Drysdale
- Susan L. Preston
- Beryl Rowland
- Richard Timothy Conroy
- Donald Prater
- Vincent Kohler
- Denise Danks
- F. Heward Bell
- Michiko Niwano
- L.M. Vincent
- Sue Gambill
- Pauline Halford
- Alex Keegan
- Carl Bielefeldt