- Governing by Contract: Challenges and Opportunities for Public Managers (Public Affairs and Policy Administration Series)
- By Order of the President: The Use and Abuse of Executive Direct Action
- Sustainable Development in Crisis Conditions: Challenges of War, Terrorism, and Civil Disorder
- Battles on the Bench: Conflict Inside the Supreme Court
- Hard Judicial Choices: Federal District Court Judges and State and Local Officials
- Berry Gordy
- Helene Bress
- Louisa Walker
- Robert Unger
- Magdalena Alagna
- Martha Reeves
- Andrew M. Gause
- Jimmie Walker
- Peter Benjaminson
- Ursula Rivera
- James Wardner
- Jeffery Flanagan
- Linda K. Flynn
- Arthur Brisbane
- Linda Corley
- Terrell Davis
- James William Fesler
- Leslie Hatamiya
- Bryon Giddens-White
- Stewart Marshall Brooks