Philippe De Vosjoli
#27 in Pets & Animal Care
- The Bearded Dragon Manual (Advanced Vivarium Systems)
- The Leopard Gecko Manual: Includes African Fat-Tailed Geckos (Advanced Vivarium Systems)
- Ball Python Manual (The Herpetocultural Library. Series 300)
- Crested Geckos: From the Experts at Advanced Vivarium Systems
- The Box Turtle Manual (Advanced Vivarium Systems)
- Richard D. Bartlett
- Roger Klingenberg
- Steve Grenard
- Robert Mailloux
- Roger Tremper
- Susan Donoghue
- Andy Blackman Hurwitz
- William Serrin
- Roger J. Klingenberg
- James L. Medoff
- Thomas Mazorlig
- David Zoffer
- Tom Mazorlig
- James Corcoran
- Jack Tworkov
- David K. Farkas
- Philippe De Vosoli
- Ron Tremper
- Jerry Cole
- Brian Viets