The Magic of a Name, The Rolls-Royce Story, Part One: The First Forty Years
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Introducing Keynesian Economics
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The Magic of a Name: How Rolls Met Royce and Formed Britain's Most Prestigious Company
Thatcher for Beginners
The Magic of a Name, the Rolls-Royce Story Part Two: The Power Behind the Jets
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Creating Classics: The Golf Courses of Harry Colt
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The Grand Hotel, 1875-2000
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Barnes Wallis: Dambuster
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Absolute Integrity: The Story of Royal Insurance, 1845-1995
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The Belfry - the Making of a Dream
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Grand Hotel (Eastbourne)
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It's Only Money
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The City Slicker's Handbook
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Money: … and how to make it
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Luton Hoo
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The Heart of the Matter: How Papworth Hospital transformed modern heart and lung care
A clear and simple vision
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Stoke Park: The First 1,000 Years
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144-Copy Introducing Floor Spinner
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Discovery of Dorset - with Peter Pugh's Pen, Poem and Prose
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The 50 Most Influential Britons of the Past 100 Years
The Ryder Cup
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