PAUL THEROUX's acclaimed novels include Blinding Light, Hotel Honolulu, My Other Life, Kowloon Tong, and The Mosquito Coast. His renowned travel books include Ghost Train to the Eastern Star, Dark Star Safari, and The Great Railway Bazaar.
The Great Railway Bazaar: By Train Through Asia
$4.99 - $26.49
The Mosquito Coast
$4.69 - $29.29
Dark Star Safari
$3.99 - $49.10
Deep South: Four Seasons on Back Roads
$4.39 - $16.37
The Old Patagonian Express: By Train Through the Americas
$4.19 - $16.37
The Pillars of Hercules: A Grand Tour of the Mediterranean
$4.79 - $18.45
The Happy Isles of Oceania: Paddling the Pacific
$5.39 - $20.43
Ghost Train to the Eastern Star
$5.09 - $16.24
Riding the Iron Rooster
$5.79 - $190.49
On the Plain of Snakes
$4.69 - $14.70
The Tao of Travel
$4.89 - $31.19
The Kingdom by the Sea
$5.09 - $15.26
Hotel Honolulu
$5.39 - $16.01
Burma Sahib: A Novel
$10.59 - $265.89
The Cold World
$4.89 - $16.19
To the Ends of the Earth
$5.59 - $5.89
Under the Wave at Waimea: Library Edition
$4.99 - $17.24
Fresh Air Fiend: Travel Writings
$4.39 - $22.79
Telling Times
$4.09 - $16.39
Saint Jack
$5.59 - $18.69
A Christmas Card
My Secret History
$4.49 - $23.53
My Other Life
$4.79 - $20.59
Sailing Through China
$5.89 - $7.09
The Bad Angel Brothers: A Novel
$4.69 - $21.05
Kowloon Tong
$5.49 - $15.26
Sir Vidia's Shadow: A Friendship Across Five Continents
$5.09 - $20.61
Paul Theroux: The Collected Stories
$5.39 - $8.79
The Lower River
$4.89 - $17.46
Sunrise with Seamonsters
$5.49 - $19.62