- The Gift of Forgiveness: A Magical Encounter with don Miguel Ruiz
- Modern Medicine: The New World Religion: How Beliefs Secretly Influence Medical Dogmas and Practices
- The Five Agreements Game: A Chivalry of Relationships
- El Don del Perdon
- La rana che finì cotta senza accorgersene: E altre lezioni di vita (AsSaggi)
- Elizabeth Lynn Casey
- Richard Erdoes
- Sogyal Rinpoche
- Paige Shelton
- Kevin Malarkey
- Alex Malarkey
- Jeffrey Hopkins
- Cleveland Amory
- Foundation for Inner Peace
- Lila Dare
- Rip Esselstyn
- Sue Spitler
- Jane Johnson
- Robert Barefoot
- Gary Ross
- Pat Benatar
- Charles Jackson
- Elaine Groen
- Martha Anne Turner
- Mary Crow Dog