- You Are What You Eat: An Up-to-Date Guide to Naturopathic Nutrition
- 10 Days to Better Health
- 10 Days to Better Health: A Step-By-Step Programme to Restore Good Health and Vitality
- Hands On: Basic Clinical Skills for Students and Practitioners of Complementary and Alternative Medicine
- Energize YOur Life
- Gerhard Lohfink
- Phillip Bennett
- Rodney Phillips
- Neal Punt
- Barbara Pearl
- Perry C. Bramlett
- Lifetogether Ministries
- Joseph Lam
- Juan Ruiz (Arcipreste de Hita)
- William Bray
- Jennica Harper
- Greg Watts
- Bruce C. Birch
- Martyn Burke
- Cheryl Ingram
- D.F. Whipple
- Christine Chapman
- Daniel Owens
- Jeane. Dixon
- Kris E. Berg