Pete Sampras (Champion Sport Biographies)
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Michael Jordan
Shaquille O'Neal: "Shaq" Appeal (Champion Sports Biography)
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Great Canadian Poems for the Aged Vol 1 Illus. Ed.
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Dislocations in Crystal
Tony Hawk
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Into the World of the Dead: Astonishing Adventures in the Underworld
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Cosmographia: A Post-Lucretian Faux Micro-Epic
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22 Skidoo/Subtractions: opus minus one
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City: a poem from the end of the world
Resist Much / Obey Little: Inaugural Poems to the Resistance
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Hermetic Divagations: After H.D.
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The Book of Uncertain: A Hyperbiographical User's Manual
Measure's Measure: Poetry Knowledge
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Business as Usual
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