Waking Magic
Theft of Magic
$14.69 - $17.28
Big, Bad Mother Dwarf'er
WarMage: Unexpected
Zero Dwarfs Given
Magic Source: An Oriceran Urban Cozy
Close to the Bones
Magic Ambush: An Oriceran Urban Cozy
Bright Is Her Sight: An Urban Fantasy Action Adventure
Release of Magic
All Dwarf'ed Up
$13.39 - $18.19
Don't Give A Dwarf
One Witch Too Few
Enemies of Magic
Dealing in Magic: The Revelations of Oriceran
Go Dwarf Yourself
Rise of Magic
For Dwarf's Sake
Magic Reclaimed
The Last Dance
Showdown in Magic City
The List
New Egypt: The Revelations of Oriceran
The Midwest Witch
The Magic Compass
The Drow There and Nothing More
Spellbound Magic
Rule of Magic: The Revelations of Oriceran
Magic United
A Witch Apart