Novels and Social Writings
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Myths That Rule America
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Maximizing Value 360-Degree Feedback
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Social Entrepreneurship
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Continuous Learning in Organizations: Individual, Group, And Organizational Perspectives
Job Feedback: Giving, Seeking, and Using Feedback for Performance Improvement (Series in Applied Psychology)
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Career Growth and Human Resource Strategies: The Role of the Human Resource Professional in Employee Development
First-Time Leaders of Small Groups: How to Create High Performing Committees, Task Forces, Clubs and Boards
Human Resource Forecasting and Strategy Development: Guidelines for Analyzing and Fulfilling Organizational Needs
Selecting International Executives: A Suggested Framework and Annotated Bibliography (Report (Center for Creative Leadership), No. 345.)
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Leadership Development: Paths to Self-Insight and Professional Growth
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Human Resource Development in Changing Organizations
Principled Leadership and Business Diplomacy: Values-Based Strategies for Management Development
Employees, Careers, and Job Creation: Developing Growth-Oriented Human Resource Strategies and Programs (Jossey Bass Business and Management Series)
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Self and Interpersonal Insight: How People Gain Understanding of Themselves and Others in Organizations
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Managing the Training Enterprise: High Quality, Cost-Effective Employee Training in Organizations (Jossey Bass Business and Management Series)
Anything Grows
Managing Careers (Addison-Wesley series on managing human resources)
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The Power of Feedback: Giving, Seeking, and Using Feedback for Performance Improvement
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The More Excellent Way: Or Links in Love's Chain
Employee Engagement Through Effective Performance Management: A Practical Guide for Managers
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Learning Interventions for Consultants: Building the Talent That Drives Business
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Achieving Performance Excellence in University Administration: A Team Approach to Organizational Change and Employee Development
History of the Dominion of Canada
Work Group Learning: Understanding, Improving and Assessing How Groups Learn in Organizations
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