- Arroz con leche: canciones y ritmos populares de América Latina Popular Songs and Rhymes From Latin America (English and Spanish Edition)
- Golden Tales: Myths, Legends, and Folktales from Latin America
- The Storyteller's Candle/La velita de los cuentos
- Arrorro Mi Nino: Latino Lullabies and Gentle Games (Pura Belpre Honor Book. Illustrator (Awards))
- Us, in Progress: Short Stories About Young Latinos
- José Antonio Burciaga
- Ginger Foglesong Gibson
- Margaret Adey
- Carmen T. Bernier-Grand
- S.D. Nelson
- Lucia M. Gonzalez
- Alejandro Cruz Martínez
- Irene Bordoy
- Patricia J. Murphy
- Rosalma Zubizarreta
- Francis L. Fugate
- Ofelia Dumas Lachtman
- Roberta B. Fugate
- Mary J. Andrade
- Isabel Campoy
- Hilda Perera
- Nicolas Shumway
- Marita Adair
- Pilar Mateos
- Samuel Caraballo