Stochastic Emotion Recognition By Multiple Matrices & Classification
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Planning for a project using GERT: GERT in Project
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Planung eines Projekts mit GERT: GERT im Projekt
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Planeamento de um projecto utilizando o GERT: GERT em projecto
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Planification d'un projet à l'aide de GERT: GERT dans le projet
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Pianificazione di un progetto con GERT: GERT in Progetto
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Energy Aware Balanced Routing in WSN using Genetic Algorithms: A Mathematical Approach
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Roteamento balanceado com consciência energética em RSSFs usando Algoritmos Genéticos: Uma abordagem matemática
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Routage équilibré sensible à l'énergie dans WSN à l'aide d'algorithmes génétiques: Une approche mathématique
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Routing bilanciato consapevole dell'energia nelle WSN utilizzando Algoritmi genetici: Un approccio matematico
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Energiebewusstes, ausgewogenes Routing in WSN mit Genetische Algorithmen: Eine mathematische Annäherung
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Data Structure: In C++
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Efficient Throughput in VANET using the Smart Routing Predictions: Intelligent Routing
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Struttura dei dati: In C++ (Italian Edition)
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Datenstruktur: In C++ (German Edition)
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Estrutura de dados: Em C++ (Portuguese Edition)
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Structure des données: En C++ (French Edition)
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Uma estrutura para melhorar a sustentabilidade do atraso no ambiente DTN (Portuguese Edition)
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Una struttura per migliorare la sostenibilità del ritardo in un ambiente DTN (Italian Edition)
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Ein Rahmen zur Verbesserung der Nachhaltigkeit von Verzögerungen in DTN-Umgebungen (German Edition)
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Un cadre pour améliorer la durabilité des retards dans l'environnement DTN (French Edition)
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Avaliação do desempenho de protocolos de encaminhamento utilizando modelos de mobilidade (Portuguese Edition)
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Bewertung der Leistung von Routing-Protokollen anhand von Mobilitätsmodellen (German Edition)
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Évaluation des performances des protocoles de routage à l'aide de modèles de mobilité (French Edition)
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Valutazione delle prestazioni dei protocolli di routing utilizzando modelli di mobilità (Italian Edition)
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