- Life Is Hard, Food Is Easy: The 5-Step Plan to Overcome Emotional Eating and Lose Weight on Any Diet
- 100 Days of Weight Loss: The Secret to Being Successful an Any Diet Plan
- 100 MORE Days of Weight Loss: Giving You the Power to Be Successful on Any Diet Plan
- Friends with the Scale: How to Turn Your Scale into a Powerful Weight Loss Tool
- Acts of Compassion: Bringing Love and Caring Back into Your LIfe
- Julie Hadden
- Daniel Goldstine
- Luise Light
- Alison Mackey
- Richard L. Sandhusen
- John C. Bridgman
- Connie Stapleton
- Alan Branhagen
- Kendall King
- Deanie Comeaux Bahan
- Norman R. Hamilton
- George Huber
- Leslie R. Williams
- Susan B. Goldstein
- Yvonne De Gaetano
- Beth Ann Baumgartel
- Deborah Valentine
- Sherron Kenton
- Mukesh Eswaran
- Ruth Lopez