- Remembered Prisoners of a Forgotten War: An Oral History of Korean War POWs
- We Were Each Other's Prisoners: An Oral History of World War II American and German Prisoners Ofwar
- Tales of Gold/an Oral History of the Summer Olympic Games Told by America's Gold Medal Winners
- In Their Place: White America Defines Her Minorities, 1850-1950
- Van Gogh's Right Ear: Dissonant Chords for the Progeny: A Memoir
- Phyllis E. Fischer
- Wallace Johnson
- Charles Rich
- William Bernard Ullathorne
- Michael T. Mannion
- Virginia Wright Kupiec
- Annameekee Hesik
- Will Charnow
- Canice Bourke
- Shonda
- Hugh Francis Blunt
- John J. Kenny
- Ronald Krietemeyer
- Dola de Jong
- Mike Kim
- Patrick Doyle
- William Dannemeyer
- Perihan Mağden
- George S. Johnston
- Bruno Webb