The Mouse That Roared
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John Treegate's Musket
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The Mouse on the Moon
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The Mouse on Wall Street
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The Mouse That Roared
The Mouse That Saved the West
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Beware of the Mouse
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The Testament of Theophilus; A Novel of Christ and Caesar
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Sea Captain from Salem
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Flint's Island
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Treegate's Raiders
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The Centurion
Red Pawns
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Peter Treegate's War
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Encounter Near Venus
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The Epics of Everest
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A Feast of Freedom
Stranger at Killknock
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Mrs. Searwood's Secret Weapon
Zebulon Pike: Soldier and Explorer
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Gales of Spring: The Thomas Jefferson Years, 1789-1801
Fiji: Islands of the dawn
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Meeting With a Great Beast: A Novel
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The Quest of Excalibur
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Yesterday's Land - A Baja California Adventure
Toward a distant island;: A sailor's odyssey,
The Last Stand of Father Felix
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Take Me to Your President
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No Garlic in the Soup - A Portugese Adventure